News Reel
Volunteer Bookkeeper Needed!
The time commitment is approximately 5 to 15 hours per month with occasional periods of high demand. Most responsibilities can be executed remotely. Read on to find out more.
Emerald Documentary Series Season 5 - Empowering Communities: Bow Valley's Journey to Green Energy Future
Uncover Bow Valley Green Energy Coops philosophy of inclusivity and find out how you can contribute to the green revolution.
Green Energy Futures, Episode 362. Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative Rocking It
The Bow Valley Renewable Energy Cooperative was incorporated in May 2020 and in just over a year had signed their first power purchase agreement and installed their first solar system.
This is lightning fast for a renewable energy cooperative in Canada.
B'nai Tikvah Switch-on and Chanukah Celebration!
Join Temple B’nai Tikvah and the Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative as we inaugurate the Temples’ new solar panel array and BVGEC’s fourth installation by powering an electric menorah and hosting Chanukah fun for the whole family.
Prospective Host Engagement Forum - Calgary
Join us on Oct 19th, 2023 & explore exciting opportunities to partner with BVGEC & power Alberta's renewable energy future!