BVGEC Events

B'nai Tikvah Switch-on and Chanukah Celebration!
Join Temple B’nai Tikvah and the Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative as we inaugurate the Temples’ new solar panel array and BVGEC’s fourth installation by powering an electric menorah and hosting Chanukah fun for the whole family.

Prospective Host Engagement Forum
Join us on Oct 19th, 2023 & explore exciting opportunities to partner with BVGEC & power Alberta's renewable energy future!

Renewable Energy Investment Open House
Join us on Oct 12th, 2023, & explore exciting opportunities to diversify your investment portfolio & lead Alberta's renewable energy future!

BAYMAG Switch on Celebration!
Celebrating the electrification of the largest solar installation in the MD of Bighorn!

I-Place Switch On!
Celebrating our second community-owned solar installation in the Bow Valley!

RCMUC 1 year Anniversary Celebration!
One year ago our first community funded solar energy project went live. Please join us in celebrating the one year anniversary of "Flipping the Switch" at Ralph Connor Memorial United Church.

Ralph Conner Memorial United Church Switch On!
Community-owned renewable energy is no longer just a concept here in Alberta!

BVGEC Member Meet Up
A chance for Members old and new to meet virtually. Members will receive an update on BVGEC progress and some exciting new initiatives as well as hear about opportunities to volunteer or participate. We hope you can join us!

BVGEC Friends Meet & Greet
A chance for Friends of Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative, old and new to meet safely in a virtual space. Attendees will receive an update on BVGEC progress and some exciting new initiatives as well as hear about opportunities to volunteer or participate. We hope you can join us!

Canmore Community Solar - The Results!
This event will showcase the results of our feasibility study and introduce the community to 'Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative’.