What is Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative?
Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative is a for-profit co-operative that provides its members with the opportunity to invest in community-owned renewable energy projects to support the energy transition here in the Bow Valley.
We are a grassroots, socially responsible organization that is community lead and volunteer-driven.
What is a cooperative?
If you’re familiar with “cooperation”, you’ll think of working together, of bettering yourself and helping to better others – by cooperating! That concept also underlies the cooperative business model. It’s a way of structuring an enterprise so that it is owned by the people who use and benefit from the services it offers.
Our business model is designed to combine local capital with local expertise to find solutions to renewable energy installations that create both a financial and social return on investment.
Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative operates within the seven co-operative principles.
Investments in cooperatives are generally protected from fraud since the governance structure is open and transparent. The democratic structure of this co-op makes it more difficult for one group or individual to benefit unduly over an investment as members have only one vote no matter how many investment shares they own.
What is a social enterprise?
A social enterprise is an organization with primarily social objectives & an overall mission to serve the public good. A social enterprise will operate one or more profit enterprises to generate earned income and then reinvest that earned income into realizing their social mission.
Bow Valley Green Energy will commit a portion of our profits to a community benefits fund to support our communities transition to a renewable energy future. Members will be entitled to vote on how this fund is utilised.
Do the Membership shares pay a dividend?
By purchasing a membership share, you obtain the right to vote on the cooperative's key business decisions but earn no dividends. As a Member shareholder, you can purchase Class A investment shares. The latter is expected to pay a modest dividend.
Who can become a Member?
Memberships can be held by individuals or by an organization, such as a corporation or a not-for-profit. An individual can be both a representative of a corporation that is a Member and be a Member in their own capacity directly. Multiple individuals within a household can all become Members.
As a member of Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative, what rights do I have?
Members have the right to:
Elect the board of directors
Receive a copy of the co-op Articles and Bylaws
Review reports on financial performance at the annual meeting and in the newsletter
Run for the board of directors (unless employed by the co-op)
Vote for changes in the Articles and Bylaws as proposed by the board of directors
Attend Meeting of Members
Purchase Class investment shares during share offerings
I’m not ready to become a Member. Can I still participate?
Absolutely! Bow Valley green Energy is a volunteer-led organisation, and we are always on the lookout for new talent! You can help make the Bow Valley more sustainable and create a better future with us by registering as a Friend of Bow Valley Green Energy. To sign up as a Friend is entirely free of charge.
What rate of return can I expect to receive on my investment?
Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative will determine how much will be paid back to investors and when. The target rate of return is established when the investment shares are issued. We are targeting to meet or exceed the average for green energy projects on the TSX which is currently 2.4%. If the co-op earns more than the original target rate of return, the Board has the discretion of increasing the dividends paid to investors.
How long do I have to stay invested?
Investments in Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative are currently for a minimum term of twenty-one years. During our capital raise, more details will be provided in the Subscription Agreement when published.
Is my investment guaranteed?
There is no guarantee on your investment. Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative is a for-profit co-op and expects to secure a return for all investors; however, we are unable to guarantee any return or the investment made.
Why should I Invest in Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative?
People that invest in Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative are generally people that care about the environment and want a sustainable future for the community.
When you invest in renewable energy projects on properties throughout our valley, you will create local jobs, support local businesses, and receive dividends. You will support an inclusive and prosperous local economy while contributing to a healthy environment.
How can I invest in Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative?
First, you must become a member. To become a member, you will need to buy a Membership share at a cost of $100. This membership share gives you one vote. This membership share gives you a stake in the Cooperative and one vote, and does not offer dividends. You can then purchase Class investment shares on our next share raise which will offer a prescribed dividend. For more information please view our latest share offering.
Can hosts invest in the Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative?
Yes. This shows that the host has a strong commitment to renewable energy, as well as Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative. Hosts and other members who are involved in the operation of the site, are unable to be directly involved in any of the decisions related to the site.
Will the cost of a share increase with the size of the project?
One investment share costs $50. The minimum investment is $1000 (20 shares). For larger-scale projects, a greater number of investment shares will be available for purchase.
Are the Investment shares eligible for transfer to an RRSP or TFSA?
Potentially. Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative has the option to join the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation's (CWCF) RRSP and TFSA Program, which enables members to transfer their investment in a self-directed RRSP or TFSA. As this service comes at a cost, to Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative and the investors wishing to participate, we will evaluate the option to join the program based on the demand from our membership.
Who decides what to finance?
Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative board members will determine where the capital will be invested. The board is responsible for evaluating potential projects based on their ability to provide a financial, social, and/or environmental return and presenting these investment opportunities to its members.
How do I become a host property?
Bow Valley Green Energy is always on the lookout for new host sites where we can install renewable energy projects. We are looking to partner with local institutions, municipalities, and businesses. Please send us an email or complete our opportunity form on the host a project page, and we will be in touch to discuss your options!
Will you install a system on a residential rooftop?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer our services to residential properties at the time. Sign up for our Connect email newsletter at the bottom of this page and be the first in the know when we launch a residential initiative!
Are there size criteria associated with the projects that the cooperative will undertake?
Yes, the cooperative’s business model functions within the Microgeneration Regulation under the Alberta Utilities Act. This regulation limits the size of installation to a maximum of 5MW electricity, or the equivalent of the host’s annual electrical demand, whichever is less.
How does insurance work for the solar panels on a host property?
For projects of the size and scale BVGEC will be pursuing, the cost of a separate insurance policy is not economical. In agreement with the host, panels will be added to the host’s existing building insurance and BVGEC will reimburse the host for the incremental cost of this insurance.
Would BVGEC offer carbon credits to investors?
BVGEC is reviewing the regulatory requirements of Alberta’s Emission Offset System to assess the administrative efforts associated with this service offering.
What is the lifespan and efficiency loss of solar panels?
Most reputable manufacturers offer a 25 year warranty on solar panels. There is an estimated loss of efficiency for silicon based solar panels of about 0.5% per year or about 13% over 25 years dependent on the manufacturer.
How much power does an average house consume?
An average 2500 sq ft house in Canmore consumes about 6500 kWh of electricity annually, based on a gas heating system. To offset this electrical consumption, 18 325w panels, covering 325 sq ft of south facing roof would be required. And at recently quoted rates, would cost approximately $15,000. This installation would yield a cost per kwh over the life of the panels $0.105/kwh...less than the $0.15 most of us pay today. In addition, the solar installation would offset 5,214 kg of CO2 currently produced when supplied from the Alberta grid!