Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative Membership Application and Agreement
Memberships are available to all Canadian residents 18 years and older, Please note that only Alberta residents can invest in BVGEC.
***Wanting to register as a Canadian organization or businesses, please contact our Membership Chair prior to completing your application.
Your Membership Subscription can be completed in the following ways:
Complete the application form and online payment below OR
Download PDF Membership Application and Agreement and email the pdf to connect@bvgreenenergy.org
Please Note: Payment without Membership Application will not be valid. Membership Application without Payment will not be valid.
We will notify you once your application and payment are received.
BVGEC will complete your application review in the next 15 business days.
Your payment transaction will only be processed once your application is accepted.
Thank you!
Please contact us with any questions at connect@bvgreenenergy.org
Membership Subscription
Issuer: Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative
Number of Membership Shares Subscribed For: One (1) membership Share
Price Per Share: $100.00
Total Subscription Price For Share Subscribed For: $100.00
Individual Applicant Information OR Business/Community Group Information (if business/organization membership)
STEP 1. Complete the Membership Application Form:
Please Note: Payment without Membership Application will not be valid. Membership Application without Payment will not be valid.
STEP 2. Membership Payment:
Please Note: Payment without Application will not be valid. Application without Payment will not be valid.
Payment can be made in one of the following three ways:
Online Credit Card Payment via BVGEC website - Total cost $110 (membership fee $100 + $10 administration and processing fee) CLICK BELOW
Online Interact e-transfer - Total cost $100 - submit your online application with the Interact e-transfer box checked OR email a copy of the membership form to connect@bvgreenenergy.org - send an Online Interact e-transfer to admin@bvgreenenergy.org. We will accept your payment upon approval of your membership!
Via Cheque - payable to 'Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative' - Total cost $100 + a stamp - Please send a cheque to Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative, PO Box 8650, CANMORE, AB, T1W 1A0, Please remember to include a copy of your membership application with your cheque!