Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative Membership Application and Agreement 

Memberships are available to all Canadian residents 18 years and older, Please note that only Alberta residents can invest in BVGEC.

***Wanting to register as a Canadian organization or businesses, please contact our Membership Chair prior to completing your application.

Your Membership Subscription can be completed in the following ways:

  1. Complete the application form and online payment below OR

  2. Download PDF Membership Application and Agreement and email the pdf to

Please Note: Payment without Membership Application will not be valid. Membership Application without Payment will not be valid.

  • We will notify you once your application and payment are received.

  • BVGEC will complete your application review in the next 15 business days.

  • Your payment transaction will only be processed once your application is accepted.

Thank you!

Please contact us with any questions at

Membership Subscription

Issuer: Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative
Number of Membership Shares Subscribed For: One (1) membership Share
Price Per Share: $100.00
Total Subscription Price For Share Subscribed For: $100.00

Individual Applicant Information OR Business/Community Group Information (if business/organization membership)

STEP 1. Complete the Membership Application Form:

Please Note: Payment without Membership Application will not be valid. Membership Application without Payment will not be valid.

STEP 2. Membership Payment:

Please Note: Payment without Application will not be valid. Application without Payment will not be valid.

Payment can be made in one of the following three ways:

  1. Online Credit Card Payment via BVGEC website  - Total cost $110 (membership fee $100 + $10 administration and processing fee) CLICK BELOW

  2. Online Interact e-transfer - Total cost $100 - submit your online application with the Interact e-transfer box checked OR email a copy of the membership form to - send an Online Interact e-transfer to We will accept your payment upon approval of your membership!

  3. Via Cheque - payable to 'Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative' - Total cost $100 + a stamp - Please send a cheque to Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative, PO Box 8650, CANMORE, AB, T1W 1A0, Please remember to include a copy of your membership application with your cheque!